Johnnie Walker Insurance Agency | 834 Route 203 Spencertown, NY 12165 | TEL (833)TEAM-JWI | FAX 855-450-1008 | 24/7 CLAIMS 518.821.6500

General Insurance

Once you’ve met the minimum legal liability requirements, you should select other types and amounts of coverage to tailor your policy to your own needs. In addition to Liability coverage to protect you when you do damage to others, here’s what an auto policy may cover:
Damage to your car.
Your car may be covered against collisions it may have with any other object, if you select collision coverage. Your car may also be covered against damage caused by other events such as vandalism, theft, broken glass, storms and falling objects, if you select “other than collision” coverage.
You and your passengers against uninsured or underinsured motorists.
If you’re hit by someone who either doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance to cover the accident, uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage may provide additional protection. (In some states this coverage is mandatory.)
You and your passengers for medical costs.
Your policy may provide coverage for reasonable and necessary medical and/or funeral expenses incurred as a result of injuries sustained in an accident, if you select medical payments coverage and/or, if available in your state, personal injury protection coverage.
The coverage is limited to the lesser of: (1) the amount necessary to repair your car, (2) the actual cash value of your car, minus the value of the salvage, or (3) $3,500.
It is not uncommon to find quotes on automobile insurance that can vary by hundreds of dollars for the same coverage on the same car. When you shop, be careful to make sure each insurer is offering the same coverage.
Another way to lower the cost of your automobile insurance is to look for any discounts for which you may qualify. For example, many insurers will offer you a discount if you insure multiple cars under the same policy or if you have had a driver education class in the last five years. Be sure to ask us about their discount plans.
Another easy way to lower the cost of your automobile insurance is to increase the deductible. Simply raising your deductible from $250 to $500 can lower your premium sometimes by as much as five or ten percent.

Also, many states and local jurisdictions require businesses to have insurance to begin operating. And if you rent space for your business, your landlord probably requires you to obtain adequate insurance.
Generally, BOPs provide more complete coverage at a lower price than separate policies for each type of insurance needed. We can help you decide which policy or policies are right for your business. You can also purchase additional coverage for perils or conditions otherwise excluded (e.g., flood protection) as endorsements to a standard policy or as a separate, second policy called a Difference in Conditions (DIC) policy.


If somebody sues for damages caused by you or your possessions (other than a vehicle covered by your auto insurance policy), your renters insurance policy would cover the cost of the lawsuit — both defending it and settling it, if necessary — up to the limit of coverage chosen.